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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Flat Twist Out Part Deux

I washed my hair and did another flat twist out.  I love the results! I took pictures from start to finish to post.  I think I will wear it like this until I grow it long enough to get the bantu knot effect I want.  I think I have type 4c hair from all the descriptions I have read and it is next to impossible to keep enough moisture in my hair, I have tried so many things but as I am running my hands over my hair now I have never felt it this soft and healthy.  My hair didn't suck up all the oil for once.

First, I shampooed my hair with Shea Moisture Organic Shea Butter Curl and Shine Coconut and Hibiscus and then conditioned with Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner.  I love how soft and springy the Curl and Shine Shampoo makes my hair and I have learned through painful trial and error that I absolutely MUST have a leave in conditioner every time I shampoo.  Every time I rinse out my conditioner I end up with a wiry, coarse, unmanageable mess.  So, I didn't wash the restorative conditioner out, detangled and air dried.

  I don't put the flat twists in immediately after washing because it would never dry.  After my afro dried I sectioned my hair into four sections the sides, front and back to begin my flat twists.  In the front and back sections I put three flat twists and in the sides I put two.  I sprayed the section I was working with just a little water to moisturize and make it easier to work with.  I also used pure organic coconut oil for gloss and moisture.

I wrapped it with a satin scarf and let it set over night.  In the morning I took it down carefully and split some of the twists to fluff it out.

Then I tamed it a little and added and head band. 

I think this was a pretty successful twist out.  I used only three products and I spent maybe one hour in total washing and twisting.  I want to continue to wash once a week so I will update on how long I can keep it like this before I have to wash or re-twist.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! LOVE the hair, and you my dear are beautiful! good job, the hair looks wonderful :)
